Grow @ Home 2018

There’s incredible abundance here. People think there’s nothing left but that’s far from true. We have an ocean, apple and cherry trees grow wild all over town. Food isn’t just limited to the grocery store. We can grow it, we can forage for it, and we can sell the excess to supplement our incomes. Everything we need to live a happy, healthy life is right here in New Waterford.

Nicole Dixon, Town Farm/Wild Town founder

In an effort to reduce the effects of poverty and build food security in New Waterford, Town Farm Co-op received $25,500 of funding to run “Grow @ Home” during the 2018 growing season. The funding is part of the Nova Scotia government’s poverty reduction commitment and is run through the Departments of Community Services and Communities, Culture, and Heritage. Forty-nine projects shared $600,000 in the first year of the Building Vibrant Communities grants program. 

Participants received everything they needed to grow food at home: a raised bed, soil, compost, seeds, and seedlings, and materials to extend the growing season into fall and winter. As well, participants attended workshops on growing, maintaining, harvesting, and preserving and selling their food and received a discounted membership to the Pan Cape Breton Food Hub Co-operative, who, along with Gardiner Mine’s Blue Heron Farm, partnered with Town Farm on this project.

Town Farm’s Grow @ Home program greatly benefited New Waterford. Participants became confident food growers who inspired their neighbours and friends to garden, too. This aligns with our vision of a new community of growers, with gardens spreading from yard to yard, and growing into abandoned lots and otherwise unused urban spaces. This co-operative of gardens and growers forms the basis of a vibrant, sustainable, urban farm, which could in turn create a beautiful, more food secure community.


  • 17 families signed-up (about 50 people)
  • 10 volunteers helped out
  • 7 business partnerships formed
  • families saved on average $300-$500 on their grocery bills. Over $8500+ in food was grown!

To see how we did it, click on these photos!