Grow @ Home 2019 & Town Grow’r

Building on the success of our 2018 Grow @ Home program, in 2019 we continued the program with a focus on youth. Like 2018, 2019’s participants each received a raised garden bed with seeds and seedlings; additionally, youth participated in an urban farm summer camp: Town Grow’r. Our goal was to improve New Waterford’s mental and physical health, strengthen local food security, and mitigate the effects of poverty through regenerative food production. 

Youth participants had the opportunity to gain hands-on agriculture and food production experiences through project-based learning that taught the basics of growing, harvesting, cooking, and preserving food. Participants learned employable skills, reduced the impact of increasing food prices, and had the opportunity to sell food and value-add products.

By the end of the season, participants became confident food entrepreneurs with the capability to grow food, start a food-based business venture, and teach others these empowering skills.

Funding and support for the 2019 program was provided by Clean Foundation, Nova Scotia Department of Community Services Youth Development Initiative, New Waterford Rotary, RELAYS, and the Town Farm Board & Volunteers.


  • 2 youth interns hired (one from BEC; one from St. FX University)
  • 9 youth participants 

Comments from Participants

“Thank you for all your hard work!” 

“…the program was so fun and I hope I can do it again.”

“I loved this program and I hope I can do it again.”

“Thank you for letting me do it. I really love my garden”

“Thank you! I had fun!”

“[My daughter] really enjoyed the program.”

To see what we did, click on the photos!

You can also see more youth + beekeeping photos here.